20 Minute Online Professional Development: How Do Master Teachers Create a Positive Classroom?
The Monday Morning Mentor series will be available over the spring semester to bring you professional development in twenty minute snippets. The topic for the week of January 25th is How Do Master Teachers Create a Positive Classroom? The presentation is available Monday at 10:00am and is accessible through Sunday of that week. The presentation is available Monday at 10:00am and is accessible through Sunday of that week. For information on accessing the presentation and supplemental materials, please view the Bulletin or the email version of iDevelop.
More information about this session (including description, topics, and learning goals) is available at http://www.magnapubs.com/online/mentor/How-Do-Master-Teachers-Create-a-Positive-Classroom-13600-1.html. The complete spring schedule of Monday Morning Mentor sessions is available at http://nscclets.blogspot.com/2015/12/20-minute-mentor-online-faculty.html.
Other Professional Development Opportunities
1. Free Workshop on Assignment Design facilitated by Bonnie Orcott, Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Massachusetts DHE. The workshop will take place on Friday, January 29, 2016 from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at UMass Lowell (Campus Rec Center Meeting Room 111) and will be on three key student learning outcomes: Critical Thinking, Quantitative Literacy, and Written Communication. If you have an assignment that addresses one or more of these outcomes, and you’d like to fine-tune it to help provoke strong work from your students, this workshop is a great opportunity to get some feedback from other faculty who share your aims. Participants should bring an assignment to work on! Both full- and part-time faculty are welcome! RSVP via e-mail to assess@uml.edu.
2. Free Online Course (MOOC) on Accessibility: Designing and Teaching Courses for All Learners is a Course. For more information and to register, visit https://www.canvas.net/browse/empirestate/empirestate-buffalostate/courses/accessibility-designing-teaching. The course will run from February 22 - April 5, 2016.
Looking for other professional development opportunities through MOOCs. Check out this list at http://nscclets.blogspot.com/2016/01/professional-development-through-moocs.html.
3. MSC Initiative. NSCC is once again participating in the Multi-State Collaborative (MSC) initiative. You may recall that last year a number of you submitted student artifacts (e.g., essays, journal entries, and quantitative papers) to examine the validity of the AAC&U rubrics in written communication, quantitative literacy, and critical thinking.
The MSC is continuing to test these rubrics and has requested additional artifacts (e.g., essays, journal entries, and quantitative papers) in the following areas:
- written communication
- quantitative literacy
- critical thinking
- civic engagement
We received a small grant to stipend faculty interested in participating. Depending upon the level of faculty participation, these stipends will be somewhere in the range of $50-$100 per faculty member. The process is entirely voluntary and is intended to assess the rubrics only, not the student work or scope of the assignment. If you are willing to partake, here's what the MSC would need:
- A completed Assignment Cover Sheet
- Your assignment sheet that generated the artifact
- 10-12 student artifacts (e.g., essays, journal entries, and quantitative papers) that demonstrate written communication, quantitative literacy, critical thinking, or civic engagement. These artifacts should be at least 3 pages in length. All names and identifying features will be scrubbed. No releases from students are needed for this project.
- Building a Positive Classroom Culture and Climate
http://teaching.colostate.edu/tips/tip.cfm?tipid=136 - Classroom Climate
Share your Teaching Strategies
What are some strategies that you employ to create a classroom culture and climate that fosters a positive student learning environment? Are there any other great resources that you would like to share with faculty on this topic? Send an email with your teaching strategies, best practices, or resources to itd@northshore.edu and we will share them in the next few issues of iDevelop.
Thank you,
Instructional Technology and Design and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment